Take what you need.
Leave what you can.
Go with God's blessing.
Jesus fed five thousand people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. During these very trying times, we, the parishioners of Trinity Episcopal Church, wish to be like Jesus and help feed our neighbors in or community. To this end, we have built a free-standing pantry on our property that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for those in need to come and collect food, cleaning and personal hygiene items.
The pantry runs through the generosity of time and donations by our parishioners and community members. We have donation bins along the side of our driveway by the Blessing Pantry entrance ramp. The items we are most in need of are:
juice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, water
pancake mix & syrup
cans of chicken and tuna fish*
peanut butter & jelly*
mac & cheese
pasta & pasta sauce*
toothbrushes & toothpaste
cleaning products
toilet paper
paper towels
*during winter months please replace can and jar donations with plastic, boxed or pouch containers.
We also gratefully accept monetary donations either through the link on our site or mailed to Trinity Episcopal Church, 91 Church Street, Seymour, CT 06483.
Any support you could provide will go a long way in helping local families get through these difficult times. Thank you for your support!
Blessing Pantry Coordinators:
Debbie Engstrom & Cheryl Dainiak
Blessing Pantry Garden Coordinator:
Aaron Smith