The Blessing Pantry Garden
Located directly across from the Seymour Town Library is the Blessing Pantry Garden. The garden got its roots as a joint project by the Valley United Way and Trinity. Twelve raised beds were placed for the 2019 growing season at the top of a beautiful open hill that is accessible from Trinity's parking lot. Massaro Community Farm joined us to oversee the project in the 2020 growing season and while they still support us, now the garden in in the capable hands of our Garden Leader and Coordinator, Aaron Smith.
Over the years through the support of Trinity parishioners, local Girl Scout Troops and the community, the garden has grown to include , multiple fruit trees and berry bushes, 8 new garden beds and a rhubarb and pumpkin patch. If you’d like to learn more about the garden, please contact us at 203-888-6596.
In the meantime, enjoy some time on the top of the hill with friends and neighbors in the garden. Pick what's ripe and weed a little.
Any special garden gatherings or work days will be posted here and on our Blessing Pantry Garden Facebook page.